My Projects ⚒️
We are dynamic open-source community uniting developers with a passion for innovation. Our mission is to cultivate collaboration across diverse backgrounds, fostering continuous growth in web development, machine learning, and beyond. What makes us unique is our dedication to real-world applications and an ethos of active collaboration. Whether you're a seasoned pro or a newcomer, join us in shaping the future of technology. We're not just writing code; together, we're deploying solutions.

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Docs the largest community of tomorrow's open source developers - one-stop resource for clear tutorials, API references, and real-world coding solutions. From beginner basics to advanced strategies, our community-driven hub is designed for seamless learning and collaboration.

"Thirdfunding", is a decentralized crowdfunding web app designed to make fundraising easy and accessible for everyone. With Thirdfunding, users can explore various campaigns and donate to those that resonate with them. Additionally, the platform allows users to create their own campaigns and share them with the community.

Real Estate Price Predictor
"Real Estate Price Predictor" enables the user to know the “predicted price” of the interested property. Enter the area(square ft), select the location from the dropdown menu, enter the number of bathrooms, and the BHK value, and finally hit the “Predict Price” button, and there you go!

A comprehensive user platform with login/signup, admin panel, profile, blog, community, resource and chat rooms, complete with likes and comments for an interactive and personalized experience. Create and share engaging blog content with the post and feed feature, while connecting with other members in chat rooms, discussion rooms, and communities.

ThePowerQuiz App
Developed a game-based learning platform, ThePowerQuiz App. It's a quizzing application. Its learning games are user-generated multiple-choice quizzes that can be accessed by the app.

Developed an image-sharing social media service, Pictrovert, which is designed to enable users (specifically “Artists”) to share images along with their crop ratio, title, description, link, and category. It enables you to comment on your posts as well as on the posts created by another artist. It enables you to explore posts according to their category. It also provides artists with profile screens displaying their information and posts uploaded by them.

Personal Portfolio Website
My personal portfolio website with eye-catching UI, telling visitors about about my Tech-Stack, Coding-Experience and Certification.
🔗GitHub Repository

A Cross-platform Real-Time Chat Application "TapTalk" using React-Native with Expo! It uses Google's Firebase-Authentication to authenticate users through there registered Email-Id and Password and uses Google's Firebase-Firestore to store user data and chat messages.

A productivity web application "QuícktícK" using HTML, CSS and JavaScript on the client side, NodeJs(ExpressJs) on the server side and used mongoDB for storing user data. The app is hosted on Heroku and the database is hosted on mongoDB Atlas which allows you to access your todo list from anywhere any time and from any device just by using your username and password.

Weather Web Application
I have developed a Weather Web Application using HTML, CSS and JavaScript in the frontend and NodeJS at the backend. It uses "OpenCage Geocoding API" for fetching Geolocation and "OpenWeather API" for fetching Weather data.